Another Early Marriage Custom

Today's menfolk have no idea what the pagan macho had to undergo to win a bride. Going back to the time of Urduja and...

“The Long Table” from Under the Trellis to “La Palma”

Wedding banquets were always clarion calls for gathering kith and kin. No table was ever long enough to seat all. Hence the conjoined table...

Ye Olde Wedding Shops (or, where did Grandmother Shop for Gifts)

Once upon a time there were no "mega" shopping malls and no "city-size" department stores. One looked for specific items in particular shops, if...

Venues for Wedding Banquets

After the colonization of the Americans, the Manila Hotel came into prominence for wedding banquets but until the middle Thirties it was strictly white...

Girl Power 2

In Filipino ancestral times, custom law gave women equal rights with men. They could own and inherit property, engage in trade and industry, and...

White Wedding Gown (?)

It is commonly believed that a white wedding gown denotes innocence, purity and virginity. Not really says history. Color as symbol has crisscrossed through...

Pre-Colonial Wedding Tradition 2

The wedding ceremony itself took three days. On the first, the bride and groom, borne on separate processions, were brought to the house of...

After the Three-day Wedding Celebration

In the spirit of the pre-colonial wedding tradition, after the bride has been delivered to her husband in their new house, at this point...

Ye Olde Gift Registry

Before the Philippines was colonized, the wedding ceremony would have the gifts of relatives and friends catalogued—a practice that is slightly reminiscent of our...

The Pamamanhikan

The Filipino suitor doesn't just slip an engagement ring on his girl's finger and then proceed with the wedding plans. If well brought up,...

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