Beauty & Grooming Cakes Florists Home & Living (Category not included in the Wedding Resources yet) |
Invitations Creades Arts n’ CraftsLights & Sounds Baguio Reinforcement Crew Photo & Video
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DAGUPAN EXHIBITORS Designers & Couturiers |
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METRO MANILA EXHIBITORMusic & Entertainment Agape String Ensemble |
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MINDORO EXHIBITORReception – Hotels Microtel Inn and Suites |
Kasalang Filipino is made possible by the following: Philippine Daily Inquirer, Kasal.com, Philippine Airlines, Dove, The Leather Collection, MosCom, VMV HypoAllergenics, Lux Super Rich Shampoo, Nivea Body Lotion, Hypertech Corporation, Glisaz Audio-Video Corporation, LakbayTV, LifeStyle Network, ABS-CBN Regional Network Group, CityLite 88.3, Wave 89.1, Magic 89.9, Killer Bee, 99.5RT, and 103.5K-Lite.
To see the exhibitor’s complete contact information, please go to the Wedding Resources Section of Kasal.com.
Once you are in the Wedding Resources, select the Category of the Supplier and search. Should you encounter any problem, kindly e-mail us at [email protected]. Thank you.