The Missalette


By Gladys Pinky D. Tolete

Do not be intimidated by this “big” word – the missalette is simply the wedding program. Rita M. Neri’s “Essential Wedding Workbook for the Filipina” (1998) notes that most couples now have their missalettes printed with their invitations and other wedding stationery. The missalette encourages the people present to participate in the wedding ceremony.

The missalette is another venue to make your wedding personal and more organized.

The missalette usually contains the names of the bridal entourage and parts of the wedding ceremony, like the liturgy, the prayers, the exchange of wedding vows, etc. You can ask the church or parish where you are getting married for a sample copy of their wedding missalette or you can access’s new Missalette section where you can customize your missalette or choose the basic missalette with the pre-selected prayers.

Neri advises that the missalette should be in line with the style of your wedding. Intimate and cozy weddings may have missalettes printed on simple paper while grand and formal weddings should have missalettes printed on paper of higher quality.

Most missalettes have the initials of the couple printed on the cover which is usually of thicker high-quality paper. However, you can also have images of flowers, a couple’s silhouette, a picture of both of you or your wedding rings on the cover together with a simple phrase expressing your marriage. The choices are endless, just coordinate with your invitation or missalette printer.

The missalette could also be accented with ribbons and strings in coordination with your wedding’s motif. Likewise, a wedding with a powder blue motif may have the missalette’s text printed in the same color or a darker blue to make it easier to read.

Neri notes that the number of missalettes ordered should be at least half the number of the invited guests. They could be distributed before the wedding by your bridesmaids and groomsmen or ushers and usherettes. Just make sure that the priest or solemnizing officer, the couple, and members of the entourage have copies of it. The missalette is another venue to make your wedding personal and more organized.

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Neri, Rita M. The Essential Wedding Workbook for the Filipina (1998)



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