City Garden Grand Hotel: Where Your Fairy Tale Wedding Is Within Reach


Have you been dreaming of a fairy tale wedding? The good news is that having your very own fairy tale wedding is just easy when you choose City Garden Grand Hotel in Makati City. Located at the heart of the central business district, City Garden Grand Hotel has been a favorite venue for wedding and wedding parties. It offers great facilities, services, and awesome food.

Be a worry-free bride

Don’t worry, you are not going to fall like Snow White. You are sure to enjoy and remain safe as you sample our food. The dishes we serve are prepared from high-quality ingredients and using the most advanced techniques. We value cleanliness, too, so they are all safe and good for your health.

No need to hurry

City Garden Grand Hotel offers affordable wedding packages, so you don’t have to hurry like Cinderella just to avoid additional charges. If you wish to customize your package, you can also talk to the hotel’s friendly and helpful representatives so they can give you the assistance you need.

Feel like royalty

Service is really commendable here at City Garden Grand Hotel. Whether you want to be like Jasmine or any other princesses, well, you definitely can. Everyone is treated like royalty here.

To learn more about City Garden Grand Hotel , visit its profile.



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