Elopement: The Great Escape


By Jett Pe Benito

Elopement brings pictures of the recklessness of youth, the excitement of the plan, the fear of being discovered, and the triumph the couple feels at being able to get away with it -literally.

But these emotions are only on the surface, what is more interesting are actual stories from people who had made the great escape. This story is from a regular, everyday couple who has decided to risk the ire of families, friends, and the norms of society in the name of their own happiness.

John and Rose

He was a 20-year-old facilitator in the computer school where she was studying. Needless to say, their relationship wasn’t accepted. Rose was a provincial 18-year-old lass, coming from a conservative family, staying with an aunt while she studies. And John was just starting his new job.

” I was dating another girl when I met Rose, ” John explained, “but since I fell in love with her, I decided to stop seeing the other girl. Before eloping, Rose and I had been going steady for about 4 months.”

The Plan

When asked what prompted him to elope with Rose, he said, ” We were out on a date and we were having such a good time that we didn’t realize it was already 10 at night. Others may scoff at this reason why we eloped, but you see, Rose is a conservative girl and any sign of impropriety would surely ruin her reputation, not to mention the situation we had at school.”

Rose interjected with her own thoughts on the matter.
” I was sure that if I had gone home at that time, my aunt would have scolded me and packed my bags to ship me to the province. So I told John that I didn’t want to go home.”

” I didn’t know what to do then, ” John lamented, ” so I took her to our house. We arrived there close to midnight, my dad and younger brother were watching TV then. They took no notice of us as we went straight to my room and seriously talked about our situation.”

“I guess I was too caught up in the emotions of the situation to really think straight. Finally, I left Rose in the room and talked to my dad, telling him that Rose isn’t going home and that she is staying with me.”

” When we talked, I told John that I wanted to get married, ” Rose said. “I must admit that when we decided to elope, a rush of feelings came over me. Feelings like…fearing for my family’s reactions and actions, and the state of our finances or the lack of it. The only thing that I was REALLY sure of was John.”

Being Discovered

“My dad, in turn, ” John continued, ” wasn’t really taking it all in when I told him that Rose is staying with me. He even said that it would be ok if Rose stayed in my room. I set him straight. I told him that we’re getting married. “

“That’s where, I guess, John’s dad blew his top, BIG TIME,” commented Rose ruefully. “Yeah, that’s an understatement,” replied John, while shaking his head. ” It was the first time I saw my dad that angry at anyone – so angry that he told me to immediately talk to my mom, who was at that time staying the night at a relative’s house. “

John’s talk with his mother resulted in the painful decision to return Rose to her aunt early the next morning. Rose was informed and John could tell how hurt and upset she was.

The couple stayed the night with John’s relative dreading the first light of dawn.


In the morning, as the three of them traveled, John’s mother slowly noticed Rose crying.

“I guess this was the turning point in our situation, ” John said. “She pulled me aside and asked if marrying Rose was what I wanted. If this was what my heart called out for. I simply said yes. “

“My mother then told me something that I will never forget, she said ‘Then listen and follow your heart and leave your father to me'”

After All

John and Rose have been married for five years now and blessed with a son named Raven. They’ve been through a lot and never once regretted eloping. Elopement is a couple’s stand against elements that hinder their relationship. There are many of those who are left with no option and willingly run away.

However, eloping is not for everyone – it takes special circumstances, a strong will, a decisive heart, a mature look on life, and a love true enough to make that great escape truly worthwhile.

