Reception Food Around the World


A typical Filipino wedding reception has lots of food, food, and more food! More food at the reception means a long and prosperous life for the couple. Now, read what other cultures are serving in their wedding feasts and why.

A Chinese wedding is not complete without a 10 to 12-course banquet. The lavish display, overflowing food and leftovers symbolize the “richness” of the hosts. The Chinese usually serve a whole fish because the word for fish, yu, sounds like the word for abundance. A dessert of lotus seeds symbolizes a yearning for many children.

For the Jews, chicken and fish are the ever-present dishes because they symbolize fertility. A sweet rice pudding of coconut milk, honey and almonds called sutlach symbolize a sweet and prosperous life.

In Africa, many tribes serve goat meat or beef for lasting energy. Koreans serve noodles called kuk soo for long life. Polish couples eat bread, wine and salt so they will always have food, enjoy sweetness and overcome bitterness.

To satisfy the sweet tooth, Italians toss at the newlyweds candy-covered almonds which are symbols of the bitter and sweet in marriage. In Yemen, sweet fritters are eaten by all the guests so that the newlyweds will have a sweet life together. In Greece, brides do not eat sugar, but they carry a bit of sugar in their gloves to ensure a sweet married life.

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The Knot.
Wedding Channel.




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