The Samals


The Samals, otherwise known as Sama Dila-ut, used to be sea-nomads in past times, until they settled in stilted houses in offshore villages. Their courtship and marriage practice is one more evidence of the extensiveness of Filipino traditions with respect to the same.

The Samals do not seem to tolerate incestuous marriage because the parties to it are what they called the da boheg (of one semen). The closest that they can allow of kin-marriages are offsprings of sisters and/or brothers as well as those of a brother and a sister. In other words, first cousin. They consider this already as saddi boheg (of different semen).

Ripeness for the settled state is reckoned by the first menstruation. A girl is consider ripe for marriage once she reaches the menstrual period. Any desire on her part, to enter the marriage status is signified by the fitting of a gold tooth on her upper denture. And to enhance her worth, she is dressed in sarongs and other colorful native costumes.

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Anima, N. 1975. Courtship and Marriage Practices among Philippine Tribes. La Loma: Omar.

