Lito Genilo’s 2012 International Calendar
Pre-nuptial Photo in Las Vegas
by Lito Genilo of Smart Shot Studio
Even with the many awards under his belt, Lito Genilo of Smart Shot Studio never fails...
A Preview to Pre-Nups
By Gladys Pinky Tolete
Pre-nuptial agreements are long associated with rich, oftentimes celebrity, couples (think Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones). Most Filipino couples do not...
We’re Engaged! Bridal Fair: Our Promise
“We take care of your wedding needs”
This is an event specially made for you, engaged couples. We will bring together top wedding suppliers all...
Through the Decades
Churches play musical chairs, each taking its turn as a favored wedding site. This is seen from the vista of decades where first one...
The Missalette
By Gladys Pinky D. Tolete
Do not be intimidated by this "big" word - the missalette is simply the wedding program. Rita M. Neri's "Essential...
Faiths And Fated Love
(Church Requirements for Mixed Marriages)
By Gladys Pinky D. Tolete
You have black hair and black eyes, your partner has blond highlights and gorgeous blue eyes....
Wedding Banns
By Gladys Pinky D. Tolete
Who has not watched a movie whose wedding scene was interrupted by a dramatic "Itigil ang kasal! (Halt the wedding!)"?
The Canonical Interview
By Gladys Pinky D. Tolete
As you arrange your wedding banns, you will be asked to schedule a canonical or pre-nuptial interview, or dulog, as...
Pre-Cana Seminar
By Gladys Pinky D. Tolete
After the initial or canonical interview, you could also ask your parish about the schedules of the pre-cana seminar. So...
Sacrament of Confirmation
Canon 1065 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law states that "Catholics who have not yet received the sacrament of confirmation are to receive...