Origin of The Bouquet Toss

During the reception, a commotion breaks out in the dance floor. Catfight? No, the single ladies are just trying to catch the bridal bouquet. Back...

Wedding Gown Silhouettes to Match the Bride

By Frangelica Valdez | November 2018 (updated) Picking the right dress to suit your body type is still a difficult task. We are often caught up...

Thunderbird Resorts Rizal: Idyllic Destination Wedding Escape

Planning a destination wedding can be stressful both on your pocket and time. Even with budget airfares and hotel/resort promos, there are many other...

Exceptions to the Marriage License Requirement

The marriage license is one of the vital documents to couples-to-be. However, the 1987 Family Code waives this requirement when: Either or both of...

Rules of Engagement

By Jett Pe Benito You're probably saying to yourself "…oh no, not another set of rules, I've got enough of them coming out of my...

Faiths And Fated Love

(Church Requirements for Mixed Marriages) By Gladys Pinky D. Tolete You have black hair and black eyes, your partner has blond highlights and gorgeous blue eyes....

A Wedding in December

Planning a wedding is stressful enough, a wedding in December, coupled with holiday stress, could push any harried bride-to-be over the edge.

Chris & Tin-Tin’s Proposal Story

By Christopher Tengco and Christine Bulos-Tengco | 22 November 2010 If Proposal Fails, Try and Try Again The Groom Speaks: “Planning the Proposal after she already said...

Tagaytay Wedding Ideas

Cool breeze, breathtaking views, lush gardens, and good food – who doesn't want a romantic wedding in Tagaytay? One of the most well-known wedding destinations in...

Why Not Say “I Do” To A Cebu Wedding

By Rhea T. Ocampo | January 2013 Why would a couple choose Cebu for their wedding? "Why not," a Cebuana friend answered me incredulously. The look...

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