Limuel and Ianna’s Proposal Story


By Limuel Dela Cruz and Ianna Katrina Tomas
11 November 2010

…. A Love Story ….

Who can tell that the man just across your house is gonna be the man who’ll wait for you at the altar.

Who knows… And no one can ever tell…

This is a story of a LOVE story….

A closest friend, who’ve been into dark and blurry vision of her life, now turns into a Princess wearing her crown, smiling in her colourful world.

Love can move mountains, and so Prince can do it for their loved ones.

Ianna, the happy Princess and Limuel the Prince of her shining armour. They are the one, who connects each others half to create a HEART.

Heart full of happiness and unconditional love. Ianna knows this guy since she was in grade school. A friend and neighbor.

When they’re in High School, Ianna hits Limuel eyes of her charming smile and got a crush on her.

Time and cupid of love was unfair by then, not hit back Ianna and her focus is not with Limuel.

Time, for me, is the one who sets everything onto places. Ianna had her own life, Limuel as well.

So many heartaches and pains because of loving the wrong person in their behalf.

Can i say that Limuel is the one who’s been the long lost destiny for Ianna? Yeah, the man that will ease the pain and cure her wounded heart, uplift Ianna’s self-esteem, will love her in spite of her lacks and imperfections.

Until the time says it’s enough, enough for the tears and heart pains.

Ianna find her way to Limuel’s pure heart. Healed their heart together.

Find their self together.

They are the cure for each other sickness.

I was so amazed, with surprises. Even in a little way they do. As Ianna told me the story of Limuel’s proposal, i can feel the love, sincerity and modesty.

“It was 10:00 in the evening, after Limuel fetch me at work. We go to TenTen’s, the place we used to go to fill our stomach. It was a great place. Simple and not that cosy. We place our order and chat while we wait for food. In that scenario, he handed me a bucket my face. Lil thing makes my heart happy.

We’re just like that…simple things makes us very happy. He wanted me to eat the fries, after we ate dinner. My stomach was so full but he insisted, and even told me to give him atleast one…i started to pick and eat. Eat and eat. Until i can’t help myself to wonder what is there inside that bucket. I can’t understand and it’s indescribable feeling that I can’t help but SMILE.

What’s this? A silver thingy, not one, but two….a pair of rings…

What a happy feeling? I’m speechless, all i did is to laugh and smile, full of happiness that came out in my gesture, to laugh and to smile with all my heart, coz it’s hard to find the words to tell.

I even asked him “what is this all about?” He quickly get his ring and put it on his finger and told me “wear it when your ready”…as he stare the ring that is for me”

“I get mine, I just smiled and wear it :)”

Everyone has its uniqueness when it comes to expressing love. A true statement of two person who’s under this spell, a magic potion called love.

And now, the most awaited moment comes. Ianna and Limuel is ready to be bonded. To promise to be together, as soon to be witness by our Almighty God, Who said that go and love one another.

Till death and till their last breathe.

Love is everything. Love conquers all. Love is Life. Love is Ianna and Limuel.

Engaged Couple: Limuel Dela Cruz & Ianna Katrina Tomas
Wedding Day: April 29, 2011
Date of Proposal: May 29, 2010




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