Make Yours A Lucky Honeymoon

By Jonathan Dioniso | November 2008 While most would choose their honeymoon getaway by the beauty of the place and the adventure it offers, you...

3 Reasons to Get Married in December

By Mina Deocareza | November 2016 Are you still wondering which month it is good to get married in? Have it in December. Known as...

The Engagement Ring

You're ready to propose to her, you have the suave Casanova script down pat, you've reserved a special table in the metropolis' most romantic...

The Best Man for the Job

By Jett Pe Benito He may be the college roommate, the younger brother, the cousin or the childhood best friend. Whoever he may be, you...

Tips for A Lucky Wedding in 2009

by Jonathan Dionisio | December 2008 As 2008 comes to a close, most of us would start consulting Feng Shui experts and clairvoyants about their...

Wedding Photography: In Focus

No Filipino wedding is complete without the ubiquitous picture-taking or "kodakan," so to speak. The flashes of the cameras seemingly add glitter and perfectly...

Getting In Shape Before Your Wedding

By Jonathan Dionisio | October 2009 You and your partner surely want to look good in your wedding attire. You don't want to end up...

Bed and Bath Boom

By Jett Pe Benito You may be days or even months away from your wedding, but you can not deny the fact that both of...

The Spear on the Staircase

In the time of Urduja and Lakandula's grandmother, it was customary among early Filipinos to marry within their class. Maharlikas married women belonging to...

3 Hottest Wedding Songs of 2014

By Mina Deocareza | December 2014 Music is another important aspect of any celebration, particularly weddings. After all, songs have the power to set the...

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