It can get really hot here in the Philippines during the dry season. So if you are want to get married during this time, you should be more mindful not just of your bridal attire but also your makeup. To help you, we have compiled a short list of wedding makeup tips for hot weather.
First of all, protect your skin.
Apart from keeping your skin properly hydrated, you also need to use sun protection and other products to keep it in optimal condition despite the heat. This way, your skin will be healthy and more ideal for makeup application.

Have a consultation with your makeup artist before the big day.
Surprises may seem cool, but not when it comes to bridal makeup. To ensure best results, you need to talk to your makeup artist prior to the big day, so you can thoroughly discuss important matters like your skin type and the kind of cosmetic products you need if your wedding date is within the dry season.

Come up with plans concerning retouches and other last-minute remedies.
Dealing with makeup can be tough when the weather’s extremely hot, so prepare for the worst. Think of how you are going to have your makeup retouched on your wedding day, as well as other last-minute remedies in case things don’t go as planned.

Don’t let the weather sabotage your bridal look! Be a wais bride and come up with really good plans on how to deal with your makeup on your wedding day. Good luck!