Allen and Anna’s Yin and Yang Wedding

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Wedding planning can be challenging and even a bit dramatic for some couples. However, for some, it can be smooth and simple. Everything just goes according to plan.

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Such is the case with Allen and Anna. Although they did not spend a long time planning their wedding, things ended up great and they loved every detail of it.

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They got married at San Agustin Church last March 28, 2018 and had a Yin and Yang-themed reception at City Garden Suites, also in Manila. They wanted their wedding details to depict the balance of life.

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Allen and Anna thought everything about the wedding was executed perfectly and they were grateful for their wedding suppliers for helping them. They were just so happy with how things ended up. When asked to give advice to other soon-to-weds, the couple said, “Just enjoy your day.”

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Congratulations, Allen and Anna!



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