Wedding Photo & Video

meghan butler pup themed wedding photo

Look at these Puppy-Themed Wedding Photos!

Are you an animal lover? If you are, you'll definitely love the wedding photos of this bride from North Carolina. In the said wedding photos...
marlon queenie singapore prenup

Marlon & Queenie’s Prenup Pictorial in Singapore

Out-of-the-country prenup pictorials have been a huge hit these days, as more and more couples opt to have their e-sessions in their favorite destinations...
ashley hempel photograph

Maid of Honor Takes ‘Veil Toss’ to a Whole New Level

Being a made of honor can be a real source of pleasure, yet the role this title entails can be a bit boring to...

Exposure Photo and Video: Helping Couples Immortalize Precious Moments

Weddings are really special. No wonder, couples really hold on to the memories of their wedding day. Apart from remembering even the smallest of details about it, they also hire groups of professional wedding photographers and videographers like Exposure Photo and Video.

Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Choose Exposure Photo & Video

Have you ever wondered why a lot of couples actually invest in good wedding photos and videos? The answer is just simple: they are great instruments to preserve the memories of that magical day. ..

Wedding Photography: In Focus

No Filipino wedding is complete without the ubiquitous picture-taking or "kodakan," so to speak. The flashes of the cameras seemingly add glitter and perfectly...

On Hiring the Right Wedding Photographer: Tips from Smart Shot Studio

It is inevitable that greater responsibilities such as family and career can make you forget what a magical time your wedding was. Hiring a professional wedding photographer and videographer can preserve the precious moments you and your spouse shared on your wedding day. It will also immortalize the candid happenings that made your wedding unforgettable.
val porras

Val Porras of ‘Exposure’ Bags Awards at WPPP Nat’l Print Photo...

Once again, Mr. Val Porras of Exposure Photo & Video has proven his excellence in wedding photography. It was after he bagged several awards at...

Having Creative Wedding Photos With Smart Shot Studios

Wedding photos should be special. Since they are meant to immortalize priceless moments on your wedding day, one of the most important days of your life, they should be good in all aspects.

They’ve Got It All: Studio Namu is the Total Wedding Photography...

Studio Namu has built its name to become a premier location for engagement shoots, given that the Korean-style studio offers opportunities for couples to capture the perfect moment into film. Thanks to Studio Namu, you can get creative with your shots and go for different wedding photo concepts.

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